GTA 4 fixed camera while driving?

GTA 4 fixed camera while driving?

If you are playing GTA 4 for the first time, you will notice that the the camera isn’t staying “fixed” when you are inside a car and you are driving.

You will have to use the mouse to control the camera. If you don’t, you won’t be able to see in front and drive properly.

Sadly, there is no option to set the camera as “fixed”. After the first hours of playing, you will get used and you won’t notice this issue at all. When you get guns, it will be insanely fun to be able to shoot while driving. Remember those missions from the previous GTA games when you had to ram the cars of the enimies?

Now you can also shoot their cars while being in a chase, which makes it more fun. In GTA Vice City and San Andreas, you could shoot only on the left or right while being in a car or a bike. Now you can control your aim at 360 degrees when driving.

If GTA 4 will ever be available for tablets, I wonder how the developers will implement the “shooting when driving” feature.

How much do you hate this camera system?

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