Aliens Colonial Marines is good, a masterpiece?

Aliens Colonial Marines is good, a masterpiece?

Aliens: Colonial Marines was released and what I can say is that the game is awesome. I’ve played four or five missions and is exactly what I hoped it to be.

The game runs flawless on my modest system, I didn’t encountered any technical issues.

I’ve read some comments on different gaming forums and some people are complaining about the poor graphics and story.

I don’t know about those but as an Alien series fan, this game rocks.

Let’s see what you get if you buy the game. First of all, if you are an Alien universe fan, you are 100% interested and willing to give this game a chance.

I won’t give any spoilers but if you want to dig more and experience “Aliens” “as real as it gets” in a video game, you should try the game.

There are quotes and replies from Aliens, you will collect different objects marked with the name of the characters from Aliens, you will experience the same situational music that you saw in the movie. Is just great.

The missions are different and you won’t get bored. Having an NPC (or sometimes more than one) that is along with you, gives a great felling, sometimes that the fights are really engaging and real, sometimes will share the fear factor and sometimes pushed by the music and adrenaline, you will act as a leader that runs forward with no fear.

Some small tips: you can sprint by holding “shift and “w”. If you’re a “rusty” first person shooter player, choose “recruit” as difficulty level. I’ve chosen this one and died a lot. The game is challenging.

Aliens: Colonial Marines is nr. 1 on Steam top sellers right now. You can buy the game for 50 euro. There is just one DLC that was announced, “Aliens: Colonial Marines Season Pass“. It will be released in the next months.

The DLC will add new campaign content, multiplayer maps and different customizations.

And finally, I like that the game’s icon is the same as the one from the first Aliens versus Predator, the game that was released in 1999.

What’s your opinion about the game?

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