Aliens Colonial Marines bad AI, graphics?

Aliens Colonial Marines bad AI, graphics?

Reviews for Aliens: Colonial Marines are showing up on gaming websites and on YouTube, and most of them are completely “destroying” the game.

The main points are that the AI is awful, the graphics are terrible, the lack of HD textures and dynamic lightning, fog etc. The lack of story, the poor ending, the lack of personality of Winter’s teammates.

But most of all, the fact that the demo presented at the E3 gaming convention was showing a different video game, much better than the final version that was released.

There is a topic on Reddit with an anonymous Gearbox Software employee. He is explaining what actually happened to the game during the development. I don’t have the link sadly.

He said that the game was developed by a few gaming companies, there was not enough time to get it finished, parts of the campaign have been cut along with many elements.

I have finished the game today and what I can say is that except the last 2-3 missions, the game was fine. But this is subjective as I’m a hardcore Alien fan. Being able to see more of LV 426 with all the places we have seen in the Aliens movie was awesome.

I would have expected to get even a short campaign for Aliens but this one is missing. I won’t make a review because of my poor English language skills and also because nobody cares about my opinion I guess but .. Aliens: Colonial Marines has been a wonderful experience.

If you have the patience for 30 minutes, this review is hilarious.

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