Aliens Colonial Marines best graphics mod tweaks?

Aliens Colonial Marines best graphics mod tweaks?

Here are my Aliens Colonial Marines best graphics mod tweaks.

Set the resolution to the native resolution of your monitor.

Window mode: set it to “full window” instead of “fullscreen”.

I’ve noticed a serious frame-rate increase on “full window” compared to “fullscreen”.

“V-sync needs” to be enabled, check the option with “x”.
The empty square means that the option is disabled.

“Field of view”.
Set it to maximum.
The Aliens Colonial Marines levels are mainly inside space-ship corridors or rooms.

If the game doesn’t run perfect, start to lower the settings from “shadow detail”.
This option is consuming the most resources.

I’ve tried to lower the other two options, “texture detail” and “world detail”, but the framerate was almost the same.

Enable “FXAA”.
This option will get rid of ugly flicks that will appear on different objects.
If you disable the option and look at a monitor for example (in-game), you will notice the ugly edges.
Set it to “x” (enabled).

If your system is really old or you play on a poor performance laptop, try to lower “texture detail” and “world detail” besides “shadow detail”.

Aliens Colonial Marines is very well optimized, it should work fine on most computers.

Aliens Colonial Marines best graphics mod tweaks .ini files

For Windows 7, 10 or 11, the .ini files are located in “my documents”, “my games”, “Aliens Colonial Marines”, the folder named “Pecangame”, “configs”.

The last two .ini files should be edited, “PecanGame.ini” and “PecanEngine.ini”.

From “Pecanengine.ini” change as it follows:

1. MinSmoothedFrameRate=22

Set these values to higher numbers, 60 min and 120 max.

2. FOVAngle=90.000000
Set it to FOVAngle=100.000000
(you get better cutscenes in terms of visual quality).

Basically, you can play with these settings as you like.

Make sure to have a backup for the files.

Even if most people are saying that Aliens Colonial Marines is a mediocre game, I’ve found it as probably the best Alien themed game.

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