Wolfenstein New Order best graphics settings, tweaks, mod?

Wolfenstein New Order best graphics settings, tweaks, mod?

Here is a list with Wolfenstein New Order graphics tweaks that will help you to run the game with no issues.

These are the graphic tweaks for optimal performance, not having lag when playing:

Display Mode: Fullscreen.

Monitor: 1.

Resolution: default.

Vertical Sync: disabled. I’ve noticed that the game works better with this option being disabled.

FOV: turn it to 100. If it is set lower, the textures will appear with delay when you turn around. Even if you set it to 100, it won’t affect the framerate.

Press the Advanced Options button and from there, config as it follows:

VT Cache size: high.

VT Compress: enabled.

Max PPF: 16.

Shadow Resolution: 2048.

Depth of Field: medium.

Screen-Space Reflections: disabled.

Wolfenstein New Order graphics tweaks, advanced settings

Additional quality settings: medium.

Haze Flare: disabled. The framerate goes lower with this option being enabled.

My system is: Intel I3 3GHz (very old processor, first generation of Intel I3), 8 gigabytes RAM, ATI Radeon HD 5670 (1 GB RAM). With the mentioned settings, the game runs perfect and it doesn’t look bad.

Wolfenstein The New Order is overall pretty well optimized.
Another aspect to consider, you can alt tab without any worry, the game won’t crash or get stuck. It works very smooth.

How is the game working out for you?

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