Hunter class in patch 5.4 changes, PVP?

Hunter class in patch 5.4 changes, PVP?


Arcane shot does 150% weapon damage, up from 100%.

Steady and Cobra Shot damage buffed by 10%. The focus cost for both abilities was increased.

Blink Strikes nerfed.

The pets summoned from Stampede won’t give any buffs or apply debuffs on enemies. They will just auto-attack.

Aspect of the Iron Hawk damage reduction lowered from 25% to 10%.

Binding Shot is available for all specs.

Silencing Shot is available only for Marksmanship spec.

Glyph of No Escape increases the critical chance by 100% for all the ranged attacks on targets affected by Freezing Trap. Up from 20%.

Some opinions regarding PVP

If Blizzard doesn’t fix the bug that causes hunter’s pets to run slow in battlegrounds, BM spec is still useless with these nerfs or buffs.

BM is losing Silencing Shot and the advantage from Stampede over the other two specs.

Marksmanship gets some buffs from Steady Shot and Arcane Shot dealing more damage. Aspect of the Iron Hawk getting nerfed is pretty bad, I guess we will use Exhilaration from now on.

Glyph of No Escape can be useful in battlegrounds but there is no space from it if you go for the classic glyphs setup: Disengage, Mirrored Blades and Camouflage.

Beast Mastery gets nerfed for PVP which is good. My concerns are for Brawler’s Guild, if the nerfs will be compensated from the Cobra and Arcane Shot damage buffs.

Marksmanship is now better for both arena and battlegrounds. I don’t think anyone will be able to play without Silencing Shot.

Best pet for Marksmanship in PVP? I roll with a Sporebat because I love to mess up casters. Sporebats have an ability that is decreasing the casting speed by 25% on the attacked enemy. Sporebats are also looking very cool and nobody are really using them.

For PVE, not much will change except the buffs from Stampede that were useful in dungeons and scenarios.

What is your opinion about the patch 5.4 changes?

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