How to get legendary items Diablo 3?

How to get legendary items Diablo 3?

I will learn you a trick for how to get cheap legendary / green items in Diablo 3.

First, you need some gold, around 1 million should be enough.

Let’s say that you want to buy a green item, “Inna’s Temperance”. The price for this item goes above 2-3 millions. But you can get it for even 100-200k gold.

Head to the Gold auction house > search > equipment > write the name of the item (“Inna’s Temperance”).

Let’s say that you want strength on your item. Put 70 strength as minimum and hit the search button.

Now click on the “Time Left” option, twice, until you see the items that are about to expire very soon. You may see items that will expire in like 1 minute, 20 minutes, 30 minutes etc.

There are some items posted there that have a really low bid price, even 2k gold and nobody has bidded on them yet.

Continue to hit the “search” button to see if the bid price gets higher (someone else has bidded). And when you see that the item has 1 minute left until it expires, start counting to 30 (seconds) and bid. Bid around 20k gold if the current bid is 2k, just to be sure that no one else has bidded 10k or 15k.

You can get many items like this. Mostly if you do this trick at very late hours like 3-4-5 AM, when everyone is sleeping.

I got my “Inna’s Temperance” for 500k gold and I’m hunting other items like this and it works great.

What is your opinion about this trick?

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