Bioshock Infinite is the best Bioshock game ever?

Bioshock Infinite is the best Bioshock game ever?

Bioshock Infinite got a perfect score of 10 out of 10 from Polygon, Machinima, The Escapist, Game Informer,, GamesRadar, and Destructoid. Around 18 gaming websites are rating the game with a perfect score.

It has a 95% score on Metacritic, based on 38 critics (some of the most important gaming websites).

Considering the scores from Metacritic, Bioshock Infinite is on the same level with Baldurs Gate 2: Shadows of Amn (95% score) and Portal 2, above The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim (94% score) and Mass Effect 2 but under Half Life (96% score), Half Life 2, the first Bioshock and The Orange Box.

The PS3 version has 95% score while the Xbox 360, 96% score.

Many other reviews will come after 26 March (when the game is released) and the 95% score could go up, making Bioshock Infinite the highest rated game of all times.

We will see.

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