How to play FFX on the second monitor?

How to play FFX on the second monitor?

The game received a remaster version recently, so how to play FFX on the second monitor?

It’s very easy to play Final Fantasy X (the PC version) on the second monitor.

How to do it?

Start the game launcher and set the game to start in “Full Screen Mode”.

The game will most likely start on the monitor that you don’t want to start.

If you want to switch it to the correct monitor (the one you want the game to run), press: “Left Windows key + Left Shit key + right arrow from the keyboard”.

The game will switch right away on the monitor that you want.

To switch it back, press the same buttons but press the left arrow key.

This way, you can play the game without any top bars or windows borders.

I’ve managed to play on the correct monitor also Final Fantasy IX which was released on the PC not so long ago, following the same steps explained here.

Hopefully, now you know how to play FFX on the second monitor as pretty much everyone has more than a monitor these days.

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