WoW pet happiness removed?

WoW pet happiness removed?

Hunter related post.

Blizzard seems to aim to simplify hunter’s gameplay even more. Pet’s happiness will get removed in the next patch, 4.1.
All the abilities that had something to do with the pet’s happiness are also being removed or changed. The glyph of mend pet will now increase slightly the pet’s size instead of having a chance to increase the happiness.
This is a good change for soloing hunters as the only way to monitor the pet’s mend pet buff was to actually focus the pet’s icon and check the buff. Now pets getting bigger will make thing easier.

This change will annoy RP-ers and people that whine for everything claiming that Blizzard is removing all the side aspects of this class. However, they should focus on the real issues.

Still no news about the bugs and all the pvp mechanics, trap resist, spells getting trough deterrence if they have already being casted and deterrence is up, no dot removal, pets can’t jump, pets can be called up with 3% of their HP and get one shoted, and many other bugs that should have priority on fixing.

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