Drupal localhost install, page not found 404?

Drupal localhost install, page not found 404?

This might be very frustrating since you can look into settings and htaccess with no success.

But there is an easy fix.

What you need to do is to login as admin, go to configuration > development > performance > clear all caches.

Hit the “Clear all caches” button, then go back to the main page, do a control+f5 to do a hard refresh. Now all the urls should point to locahost/folder name.

Other information on moving your Drupal website from live branch to localhost:

To install Drupal on your localhost:

1. Clone the Git repository or download it.

2. Tweak the settings.php that is found in the “sites/default/settings.php” file path. Here you need to set your sql database credentials.

3. From the console, I recommend to use the console from “Laragon” (the localhost server program that I use), use “cd” to go to the root of your website and run the command “composer install”. This will run the installation of all your website dependencies.

4. Import your sql database, if it’s too big, use the program called “Heidi SQL”.

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