Divinity Original Sin is bad?

Divinity Original Sin is bad?

The “early access” version of the game is available on Steam for 40 euro / $.

Here are my first impressions after playing the game for like an hour.

1. The graphic style has nothing dark in it. Even Path of Exile looks better. Divinity: Original Sin looks like a cartoon.

2. There is no intro story so far, no intro video. This is not the final version of the game and probably we will see an intro at some point but the start of the game looks terrible. Not even one line of dialogue.

3. We have two characters with no personality. One is male and one female. Terrible choice. We should have had one character.

4. The combat is something between Icewind Dale (d&d) and Fallout. Total fail, zero dynamism. And don’t tell me that I should play Diablo or other hack and slash. An RPG can work very well with an old school hack and slash playstyle.

The only good thing about this game is the music created by Kirill Pokrovsky. Sounds great, something like we had in Divine Divinity.

Overall the game fails because of these three aspects: combat, graphic style and being turn based.

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