Watch Dogs 1, 2 0xc00007b error fix?

Watch Dogs 1, 2 0xc00007b error fix?

This error happens if you have a version of Windows 7 that is not updated.

The error is not related to the game.

How to fix it?

You will have to reinstall a few programs.

Here is the full list:

– FIX MS SystemUser Bug.
– Java Runtime Environment 7 Update 51.
– Java Runtime Environment 7 Update 51 x64.

– Visual C++ 2012.
– Visual C++ 2010 x64.
– Visual C++ 2013 x64.

.NET Framework 1.1.

Microsoft Visual J-Sharp 2.0 SE.

Adobe Shockwave Player v12.0.7.148.
Microsoft Silverlight v5.1.20913.0 x64.

You can uninstall all these Windows programs from Control Panel, add and remove programs, select them / uninstall them one by one and download fresh versions from the web. Use Google to search each component.

One of these components is triggering the 0xc00007b error.
Another solution is to update your operating system (Windows 7) or get Windows 8.

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