WordPress image upload http error Godaddy?

WordPress image upload http error Godaddy?

If you get an error while trying to upload images from WordPress, either when adding a new post or uploading trough the media page, you can try a few things.

1. Go to CPanel of your hosting account and set PHP version to 5.4 (default).
If for example you see 5.6, this might cause your issues with uploading images.
In CPanel, search for “PHP Selector”, select your domain and set the desired php version, 5.4 in our case.

2. Your webhost might not allow the scripts to run for too long.
Even though a simple image upload with WordPress should be fine.

Try to make your images smaller. Meaning that they have a lower size, let’s say 800x800px or 1200 with 1200px. At this size, they still look good.

3. Add these codes:
define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’ );
Inside wp-config.php (core WordPress file).

And add
“SetEnv MAGICK_THREAD_LIMIT 1” (without quotes)
In the htaccess file (this code being the first line of the file).
It might help.

If it still doesn’t work, contact your hosting provider and ask them for more help.

Leave in the comments if you have any questions.

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