Razer 7.1 Surround Sound Pro Review?

Razer 7.1 Surround Sound Pro Review?

Razer has released this software for gamers. It is incorporated in Razer Synapse and is very easy to configure and use. Install the software and check your Razer Synapse UI. You will notice the Surround option near your mice or keyboard icons.

It takes around 1 minute to configure it. You just click the “next” button a few times. This software will basically make a sound emulation for you. It will run along your default sound system (VIA High Definition audio for example).

And what is important is that it works with any headphones, either if is 7.1, made by Razer or not.

I have a classic Razer Orca and Razer Surround has an option to select your headphone. It even has an icon for all the Razer headphones.

What I’ve noticed: in movies and when listening music, the sound is slightly different. In movies there are some glitches and I wasn’t able to use it successfully. For music, the sound is sharper somehow and I didn’t liked the unnatural feeling. There are some presets, techno, rock, jazz etc. You can choose and test to see how you like them.

But, this software is for gaming. I don’t play any FPS game and I can’t say if there are big differences but I guess there are. For World of Warcraft, RTS games, League of Legends etc, I don’t think this software will help in any way.

For 3D games like Skyrim, Counter-Strike, Team Fortress 2 etc, you should definitely try it. Is free and very easy to disable it if you don’t like it.

So is it worth to install it or not? As I was saying, it depends what kind of games you play.

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