Impire game graphics tweaks?

Impire game graphics tweaks?

Here are my graphic settings for Impire:

Fullscreen: off (the camera movement is smoother if the game is not set to run on fullscreen). Check if the “escape” button works if you turn “fullscreen” to off, you you might not be able to save your game.

Vsync: on.

Shadows Quality: normal. (this option consumes many resources).

Textures Quality: high.

Anisotropy: 4x.

High Quality Ground: on.

Glow: on.

Bloom: on.

Smooth Outline: on.


SSAO and FXAA: off (these two options should be turned off or your mouse cursor will have a delay when you move it on the screen. These two options are consuming the most resources).

High Quality Lights: on.

The game runs great for me with these settings. Try to lower the “Shadows Quality” option first if you still have issues.

I’ve noticed that the mouse cursor has a delay when you try to move the map. You can use the gaming keys (W, S, A and D) to move the camera. There is no delay if you use the keys.

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