Hunter solo Ulduar?

Hunter solo Ulduar?

I’ve managed to solo all the bosses from Ulduar (10 man), except Thorim. Thorim can be soloed only by exploiting a bug. The boss can be skipped though.

Spec: Beastmaster. Pet: Spirit beast for the fights and sometimes a corehound before starting the fight (for heroism).
Gear: full epic PVP set with a good PVE trinket.

Talents: Dire beast, Exhilaration, A murder of crows and Barrage.

Tactics and tips for every boss:

Flame Leviathan. To enable the easy-mode fight, talk to the dwarf that is standing near the teleporter.
Take the vehicle that can shoot canon balls and has the second ability as shooting with something “blue”, some blue barrels.

Make your way until the boss by killing the big and small adds. You can repair on a platform that is near the place where the fight with Flame Leviathan takes place.

The key to win the fight is to shoot only the blue barrels from the “second” ability. The boss will go down very fast in around 15 seconds.

Ignis the Furnace Master. Tank and spank fight.

Razorscale. Nuke the adds and shoot with the harpoon thrower when the fight will alert you. Once Razorscale is down, just kill him.

XT-002 Deconstructor. This is a tricky fight and I died a few times. You can kill the boss very easy by not destroying his heart. Just keep nuking him after the heart disappears. You will also need to nuke the adds but you can one-shot them.

The hard way is to kill XT-002 Deconstructor’s heart. At this point, the boss will appear with full health but there will be no adds. The boss will inflict some serious damage from time to time. I got him to around 5% but couldn’t survive the damage.

Kologarn. Just nuke the body. It is a very easy fight.

Assembly of Iron. Hard fight. You will need to use misdirection on your pet. Kill the bosses in this order: caster > the middle size boss > the big boss. Keep misdirecting from time to time and heal your pet. This fight will hurt.

Auriaya. Nothing fancy, just nuke the boss and feign death from time to time to avoid the damage from the cats.

Freya. Kill the first three ancient treants. Focus target the boss. You will notice that Freya has 150 stacks of a buff. In order to kill her, you need to remove those stacks. To remove the stacks, you need to kill the adds that will spawn. There are three types of adds.

The treants. Just nuke them. The small pink flowers. Aoe them. And the hard adds. The three different plants. You have to kill all three at around 12 seconds distance or they will come back to life and the fight will last forever.

Also, kill the green trees that will spawn. You can one-shot them. Once the 150 stacks are gone, nuke the boss.

Hodir. Nothing fancy. Nuke the boss and avoid the stuff from the ground.

Mimiron. Tank and spank fight until the last phase when the boss will have three parts. The head, the body and the legs. You need to kill all the parts at around 15 seconds distance. Not hard.

Thorim. Skipped. As I said, this boss cannot be killed without exploiting a bug. It requires two players.

General Vezax. Tank and spank fight. It will hurt. Do your best damage, cast heroism at start (with your corehound pet) and misdirection on your pet. I’ve managed to kill him when I had only around 10% hp left or less.

Yogg-Saron. A hard fight but doable once you understand it. You could wipe for a while but don’t lose hope.

To enable the easy mode for Yogg-Saron, talk to Freya, Hodir and Mimiron. They will provide some valuable buffs during the fight against Yogg-Saron.

To regain “sanity” during the fight, one of these 3 npcs will provide some green areas where you can recover sanity by standing into them.

Yogg-Saron fight explained. Save all your burst for the last phase, read below.

In the first phase, go near Sara and kill the adds one by one near her. When an add is dying, he will damage Sara as well. Use “Spirit mend” when is out of cooldown.

When Sara’s hp is gone, the boss will show up. Once Yogg-Saron appears, go near a green zone where you can recover sanity. Nuke the tentacles. If you get pulled by one, use your pet to destroy the tentacle. Just stay still and nuke the tentacles.

Once the fight will alert you that Yogg-Saron has opened a portal, enter one of those portals. You need to be very fast to reach the portals. I’ve used disengage.

Inside the new zone you will see some adds that can be one-shot. When you kill an add, you will notice a green tentacle spawning. One-shot those tentacle as well. Once you have killed all the tentacles, the barrier to Yogg-Saron’s brain (some light-blue area) will unlock. Destroy the brain, dismiss your pet and enter the portal to get out.

Call your pet and nuke the boss really hard. All your burst will come here. I’ve managed to kill the boss while having less than 5% hp, being almost dead.

Rewards? Depends how lucky you are. There is some nice looking transmogrification gear.

The most important is that soloing Ulduar is fun and a real challenge.
Update. I’ve finally have made a video:

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