Windows Firewall keeps turning on after reboot?

Windows Firewall keeps turning on after reboot?

I had this issue with Windows Firewall. It was auto turning on after a few seconds after turning it off.

And it was displaying warning messages every time I would open a program, like Chrome. If I would turn off the notifications, after a few seconds, they would be enabled back for no reason.

The solution?

Start button, write in the search bar “services.msc”. It will open a window.

Go to “Windows Firewall”. Double click and click on stop. Then at “Startup type”, pick “disabled”. Ok end exit.

Restart your computer.

The firewall is disabled for good.

It is not a good idea to leave your PC without a firewall though

Since the default firewall from Windows is broken, you can install a software that will do the same thing as the Windows firewall. I recomend: Zone Alarm. It does the same thing. And it’s free. Download from here.

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