Woocommerce shipping cost per product item?

Woocommerce shipping cost per product item?

You can adjust the shipping rates for Woocomerce like this.

Login to wordpress.

Woocomerce > settings > shipping > Add shipping zone.

Add Europe for example, shipping methods > flat rate.

And here we can edit.

Method title can be DHL Europe for example (it’s just a text that the user will see).

Tax status none.

Cost, we need to write some mathematic code.

Something like this.

Shipping cost per item/product plus extra for more products

8 + (4 * [qty] – 4).

This means the shipping cost is:

8$ (4$ * [quantity] – 4$).

If the user will buy one item, the shipping cost will be 8$.

If he buys 2 items, the cost will be 8 + 4 = 12$

If he buys 4 items, the cost will be 8 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 20$.

So for each one more item, he will pay the extra 4$.

Normal Shipping cost per item

8 * [qty]

This is the code, 8$ * quantity. If the user buys 2 items, it will be 8 * 2 which is 16$.

If you have questions, let me know in the comments.

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