How to deindex a website / remove it from Google, fast?

How to deindex a website / remove it from Google, fast?

You can deindex a website just within a few hours.

First thing to do is to create a robots.txt file and upload it on your website’s root.

It should contain

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

Or if you want to deindex just a folder, use:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /images/

After that, login to google webmaster tools, add your website there, verify it.

Then click on your domain from google webmaster tools > index google > delete or emliminate a resource.

Press “hide temporary” and click ok, no need to type anything in there.

That was all, google will just deindex your website within a few hours after you do all these changes. Even if you have thousands of pages indexed.

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