eMachines laptop wireless light red not working?

eMachines laptop wireless light red not working?

This issue occurs if your Windows is getting some system operating updates. It usually happens on Windows 7.

The wireless icon will turn with a red x and it won’t display any wireless Internet connections.

Even if you turn the wireless button on and off (from the laptop, near the power button), it won’t do anything. The light is usually red which means that the wireless service is on. On some eMachines laptops, the led is just red, it doesn’t turn green or blue and red doesn’t mean that is not working.

You can use the normal LAN connection with a cable. That should work without any issues.

What you can do is to uninstall the wireless driver and install it again.

Usually that won’t work and the only solution is to reinstall Windows.

Reinstalling Windows will definitely fix the problem.

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