Download Shopper Woocommerce Full Content Demo Pack

Price: $12.00 (Dollars)
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About this product

Hi there, you are about to buy the full content demo for the Shopper Woocommerce Theme.

What you get?

Since the Shopper theme comes without the content demo, you have to spend about 4-5 hours to recreate the content demo (if you have the Wordpress skills).

We have made it easier for you. The pack you are about to buy, contains a demo pack (not the original Shopper pack) but something similar. We have used Razer products (mouse, keyboard etc). It is the same thing.

The zip contains wordpress, woocommerce, the shopper theme and the content pack already applied.

There are instructions inside the zip archive that you will download after you buy the product.

You will have to upload everything and set a few things from phpmyadmin, it is very easy.
If you need more help, just contact us and we will help you out:

Here is the Shopper content demo example: (installed with our demo pack)


Full Size (click)

If you will need further help with your website, if you want to modify the theme, we can help you out. Just drop us a message:

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You can trust us that if you have any issues, we will help you out.